
The first requirement of the student: The student must come from a village that has no church.  The student must be able to read and have at least a partial high school education.  

Second: The student must have a business to support his family.  Being a rural pastor is not a revenue producing income.

Third: The student must have read the bible and is quizzed on his understanding.  His village elders are consulted, and they must give their approval of the student, and be prepared to donate land for the church at the proper time.  

Those requirements and the following curriculum were put together by retired pastors who averaged 40 years of pastoring rural churches.  The Rural Pastors Coalition Training Centers do not teach seminary type classes that a pastor seldom uses in his church.  The rural pastor is pastoring in his hometown, where he is highly visible, thus he needs to exemplify the highest standards of ethics.  

Level 1

  • Foundations of faith
  • Biblical Management principles
  • Servant leadership
  • Positions of leadership
  • Qualifications of leaders
  • Leading as a servant
  • Tasks of a leader
  • Serving gifts of Holy Spirit
  • Decision making
  • Conflicts and discipline
  • Training leaders and followers
  • Facing failure
  • Success principles
  • Counting the cost

Level 2

  • Old Testament Survey
  • New Testament Survey
  • Bible Doctrine 1
  • Bible doctrine 2
  • Missions
  • Strategies for Spiritual Harvest
  • Management by Objective
  • Power Principles
  • Spiritual Strategies
  • Knowing the voice of God
  • Kingdom Living
  • Intercessory Prayer
  • Teaching Tactics
  • Ministry Ethics