
One hundred percent of the money received for “Trialing the Concept” was sent to Uganda for the Rural Pastor Coalition Training Centers.  For the future we commit to making 98 percent of monies received the yearly operating model.  

When Rural Pastors Coalition receives its Section 501 (c)(3) notification, we plan primarily to raise support from churches by asking them to fund one or a few Training Centers.  We will limit our requests for financial support to churches to gather their support in supporting a different kind of mission, a mission that is organized by nationals, operated by nationals, for nationals.  

If it gets to the point that Rural Pastor Coalition has to hire professional paid fundraisers, then we have failed in stating the paradigm shift in missions to the church in the Western World.  

Any donations received will be honored by the students, 2 Cor 9:13-15.


Rural Pastors Coalition
PO Box 7607
Spreckels CA  93962-7607